If it weren’t for bad luck I’d have no luck at all

Image courtesy of Flickr user Tim Sheerman-Chase by way of a Creative Commons license. https://www.flickr.com/photos/tim_uk/

So. The guys came over to refurbish the exterior of our units at the townhouse complex. In the process they caused a lot of destruction, namely: 1. They destroyed my potted plant, Methuselah, that had been with me since 1996…. READ MORE

Do you like Twitter? If so, you’re wrong

Twitter is crap. People call Twitter a “valuable tool.” No, a bottle opener is a valuable tool. Twitter is the magnet on the bottle opener that degausses your flash drive. With Twitter you get – what? – 175 characters to… READ MORE

Why does one person need two cars?

Image courtesy of Del Stone Jr.

So I am restored to two functioning vehicles. Why does one person need two vehicles, you ask? How does that affect your carbon footprint on the earth? How can you afford two vehicles? And what exactly do you mean by… READ MORE

Mladen and Del review ‘Ink’

Image courtesy of Double Edge Films.

“Ink.” Starring Christopher Soren Kelly, Quinn Hunchar, Jessica Duffy, Jennifer Batter, and others. Directed by Jamin Winans. 107 minutes. Not rated. Amazon Prime Mladen’s take My boss recommended that I watch “Infinity Chamber.” I did and liked the film enough… READ MORE

We need to get past this hangup about race

Image by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Chad J. McNeeley

Sometimes working for a newspaper sucks. You don’t get to sit back and enjoy events like today’s inauguration. You’re too busy trying to come up with local angles, scrounging for art, installing live video feeds and coordinating with reporters in… READ MORE

Are books dead?

Yours truly (right) signs copies of "Full Spectrum 4" with Ray Aldridge (left) at a signing event at the Waldenbooks at Santa Rosa Mall in Mary Esther, Fla., in 1993. I don't know who took this photo.

I have been writing since the eighth grade. I began selling professionally in the mid–’90s and as recently as last year made the finals of the British Fantasy Award. Around 2000 I began to wonder if there was any point… READ MORE

Mladen and Del review ‘The Day the Earth Stood Still’

Klaatu’s (Keanu Reeves) arrival on Earth via a giant sphere, triggers a global upheaval.

Image courtesy of 20th Century Fox. — “The Day the Earth Stood Still,” starring Keanu Reeves, Jennifer Connelly, Kathy Bates, Jaden Smith, and John Cleese. Directed by Scott Derrickson, 103 minutes, rated PG-13. Mladen’s take Add the recently released re-make… READ MORE

The vet had The Talk with me about my cat Pavlov

Photo courtesy of Del Stone Jr.

This morning I took Pavlov to the vet and she had The Talk with me. The Talk amounted to this: If at any moment after today I look into his eyes and decide he’s had enough she would support my… READ MORE

Del reviews ‘Quantum of Solace’

James Bond (DANIEL CRAIG) and Camille (OLGA KURYLENKO) walk through the Bolivian desert. Location: Chile

Image courtesy of MGM. — “Quantum of Solace” Starring Daniel Craig, Olga Kurylenko, Mathieu Amalric and Judi Dench. Directed by Marc Forster. 106 minutes. Rated PG-13. Del’s take Don’t ask a James Bond purist what he thinks of “Quantum of… READ MORE

My cat is sick and it scares me. I don’t want him to die

In this photo, Pavlov sits amid the ruins of tractor-feed perforation strips from my old Okidata dot-matrix computer printer. He loved playing with those strands of paper and usually created a huge mess. Photo by Del Stone Jr. — OK,… READ MORE