Image courtesy of Flickr user lilbluelola. — Performance Against AIDS: Frankly Scarlett in downtown Fort Walton Beach will again be the venue for Performance Against AIDS V, a fund-raiser for OASIS and its efforts to improve the quality of life… READ MORE
There’s no place for flab in rock ’n’ roll
Image courtesy of Pikist by way of a Creative Commons license.
Let the good times roll: Skinny teenagers capered across the stage at Fort Walton Landing as I stood astride my bike, trying to ignite matches by rubbing them between my flab rolls. It was Saturday night’s Battle of the Bands…. READ MORE
Now I know why it’s good to be a Florida Gator
Image courtesy of Flickr user Bryan McDonald by way of a Creative Commons license.
Gator growl: One of my long-held suspicions has been confirmed by researchers at the University of Florida. This will come as good news for Steve Spurrier, and maybe not such good news for the unborn children of Gator fans –… READ MORE
1997 hurricane names were nothing to be alarmed about
Image courtesy of the National Hurricane Center.
The list of hurricane names for 1997 is out, and what a sorry list of names it is. The A storm will be called Ana. I have a friend whose name is Anna, so I will not say anything bad… READ MORE
Florida could be home to the national Mustang museum
Image courtesy of Flickr user Joe Ross.
Have you visited a Ford lately? Did you know Florida has two cities in the running to become the permanent home of the Mustang Museum? We’re talking cars, not horses or airplanes. I spoke to Chris Hoverman, chairman of the… READ MORE
Del and Mladen review ‘Space Truckers’
“Space Truckers” Starring Dennis Hopper, Debi Mazar, Stephen Dorff, Charles Dance, George Wendt and others. Directed by Stuart Gordon. 1 hour, 35 minutes. Rated PG-13. Amazon Prime. Del’s take “Space Truckers” is Mladen’s revenge for “A Recipe for Seduction.” He’s… READ MORE
Few foods surpass the simple virtues of the apple
Image courtesy of Wallpaper Flare. — One a day: Few foods surpass the simple virtues of the apple. For instance, the shape is sculpted to fit the human hand. It is not round but oval, with a top that is… READ MORE
A penny here, a penny there and soon you’re talking about real money
Image courtesy of flickr user Cweyant by way of a Creative Commons license.
The power of pennies: Squirreled away inside Aunt Wendy’s recent gift of chocolate chip cookies was a container of pennies. I think everyone must have a container of pennies sitting around the house. Mine is in the kitchen, next to… READ MORE
Oh joy, oh rapture. More growth
Image courtesy of Flickr user Gloria Manna by way of a Creative Commons license.
It’s a question of quality: The Hap-Hap-Happy News at the top of Friday’s Daily News left me with a lump in my throat. “Economist: Emerald Coast to grow for next 15 years.” I managed not to throw up as I… READ MORE
In the “olden” days, commercials were catchy
Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons user Kroelleboelle.
We were talking about memorable commercials when I began quoting all the jingles I could remember. Problem was, they were all from the ’60s and ’70s. In 1965, for instance, when the Ford Mustang first appeared, there was a radio… READ MORE