Trip to Germany: Did air raid sirens pass for church bells in the old DDR?

Christine and Rainer's factory has seen better days after decades of misuse and neglect by Soviet occupiers. Image by Del Stone Jr.

Their names are Christine and Rainer, and they live in what used to be the German Democratic Republic, or East Germany. Now things are better. They own a small factory, across the street from their house, which produces rubber parts…. READ MORE

Trip to Germany: A tidy little murder factory

Dachau is a testament to the German sense of order and efficiency. The camp is a huge box surrounded by a moat and two rows of fencing. Guard towers overlook the perimeter. The interior consists of an administration building and quarters for the guards, plus row upon row of box-like plywood structures to house the inmates. Image by Del Stone Jr.

It was hot the day we came to Dachau. The air was thin and unbreathable, the sun boring through the haze with a strange determination. Absolutely nothing should be right with a place where hundreds of thousands of people were… READ MORE

Trip to Germany: Amid great beauty lie the seeds of a horrible ugliness

This is a look back at the restaurant that occupies Eagle's Nest, Adolf Hitler's mountaintop retreat in Bavaria during World War II. Image by Del Stone Jr.

A river runs through the little town of Bertchesgaden, Germany – a clear, blue ribbon of foam, as pretty as a river can be. The river tumbles down from mountains that ring the village like a crown reaching into the… READ MORE

Trip to Germany: Berlin carries you from the past into the future

Germans refer to Berlin as the world's biggest construction project. Image courtesy of Del Stone Jr.

The drive from Leipzig to Berlin, in what was once East Germany, carries you from the past into the future. The past begins on the autobahn, which in some places still uses the cobblestone-like ext and entry ramps of the… READ MORE

Trip to Germany: The country is surprisingly clean and well thought-out

Greenery is abundant, even in German cities. Image courtesy of Del Stone Jr.

When I got back from my trip to Europe, Staff Writer Bruce Rolfsen asked me, “How many columns are you gonna milk this trip for?” I answered, “Oh, about 14.” He laughed. I laughed. As I mentally laid out Column… READ MORE

Trip to Germany: The scariest part was the airplane ride

The author snapped this photo of the Delta jetliner he flew aboard to Germany. In the column he referred to it as a DC-10 but in all probability it was an MD-11. Image courtesy of Del Stone Jr.

A large group of my friends – large enough to physically overpower me – escorted me to the airport for my recent trip to Europe. They know I’m a weenie about flying (as if I hadn’t collapsed into their arms… READ MORE

Trip to Germany: It’s not the flying I’m afraid of. It’s the crashing

Planes wait at skyways at Atlanta's Hartsfield Airport in this 1997 photo. Image courtesy of Del Stone Jr.

It was not a good day to fly. To the north, an evil brew of clouds simmered. They’d been cooking in the August sun for hours, and now rain threatened to spill over. But more than rain bubbled in those… READ MORE

Even God must deal with red tape

Image courtesy of picryl.

And God said, “Let there be bureaucracy”: My Destin correspondent, Winona Havey, who frequently ponders the imponderable and mails me the results, forwarded to my attention this little gem, which I now forward to you: “In the beginning, God created… READ MORE

Skepticism now has an ultra-atmospheric spin

Image courtesy of Flickr user Lance H. Bates under the auspices of a Creative Commons license.

A number of people called, e-mailed, faxed, or contacted me via the Intergalactic Council to let me know what a rube I am for suggesting flying saucers are a figment of the collective unconscious. One person even admonished me to… READ MORE

Justice isn’t justice if it isn’t equal for all

Image courtesy of Olaf Growald, Wikimedia Commons.

The death penalty? The righteously wrathful were rubbing their palms last week as jurors in the penalty phase of the Timothy McVeigh murder and conspiracy trial decided he should die for his crime. His crime – the April 19, 1995… READ MORE