My final farewell to Maggie

Image courtesy of Del Stone Jr.

Monday night, I bought a coffin for Maggie. I chose a white satin-finish hatbox, the right size for a 4-pound cat. I wanted to bury her in Mom’s back yard so she could be outside. We lived near a busy… READ MORE

As the car hurtled toward me, my life did not flash before my eyes

East Bay Bicycle Path, Rhode Island. Photo by Ken Zirkel by way of a Creative Commons search.

As the car hurtled toward me, I did not see my life flash before my eyes. Instead, I saw myself diving off the sidewalk and into the adjoining swamp, where among the sticker vines, sucking mud and empty bottles I… READ MORE

My solution to the stinky Dolphins? Draft non-NFL players

I have thrown away my Miami Dolphins watch cap, my Miami Dolphins keychain, my Miami Dolphins Viagra prescription and my Miami Dolphins helmeted killer dolphin action figure. I have committed these unthinkable acts because this year, the Miami Dolphins smell… READ MORE

Christmas too commercialized? Please stop complaining and pass me the Zoloft

This was our non-commercialized Christmas haul in 1960, just before we left Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Miss., for Torrejon Air Base outside Madrid, Spain. Image by Del Stone Sr.

Some cynics believe that in these crassly commercialized times, it is impossible to remain faithful to the real meaning of Christmas. Phooey! Have these Negative Nellies never seen an episode of “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Part IV: Rudolph Takes Fallujah,”… READ MORE

How do I annoy thee?

Image courtesy of Picryl by way of a Creative Commons license.

Husband: Hello, Honey Bunny. Guess where I’m standing? <Chirp!> Wife: Hi, Sunggle-Icious. You’re standing in line at the grocery store checkout. <Chirp!> H: Ha, ha! You cheated, Snooky-Ookems. You peeked at the camera on my new walkie-talkie cell phone. And… READ MORE

Yes, Virginia, they can cash a check that isn’t made out to them

Image courtesy of Flickr user jridgewayphotograph by way of a Creative Commons license.

About halfway through today’s Pulitzer contender you will mutter, “Stone, you dunce. You don’t have the sense God gave the clown known as ‘Idiot Face.’ ” I was paying bills in my post-work fugue state. I’m sure you’re familiar with… READ MORE