An excerpt from my novel ‘Black Tide’

Image courtesy of Wallpaper Flare.

This is a scene from my novel “Black Tide,” which I hope to begin shopping to an agent later this year or next. In this scene, Fred, Heather and Scotty are trapped on a spoil island in Santa Rosa Sound… READ MORE

Manion knows how to fix the women in his life in ‘Companions’

Photo courtesy of Ann W of Flicr by way of a Creative Commons license. See below for link.

I wrote this story back in 1993. The editor of Crossroads, a small press magazine, invited me to submit a story, and one does not turn down an invitation from an editor. Crossroads was a themed publication, the requirement being… READ MORE

What happens when the artist creates his own monster?

Cover image by Zde by way of a Creative Commons license.

What do I remember about this story? Well, this: The year was 1982 or thereabouts. I was living with my parents, but things were looking up. I had a career-track job and a steady income. I had lost my baby… READ MORE

Are books dead?

Yours truly (right) signs copies of "Full Spectrum 4" with Ray Aldridge (left) at a signing event at the Waldenbooks at Santa Rosa Mall in Mary Esther, Fla., in 1993. I don't know who took this photo.

I have been writing since the eighth grade. I began selling professionally in the mid–’90s and as recently as last year made the finals of the British Fantasy Award. Around 2000 I began to wonder if there was any point… READ MORE

A future without the web in ‘Live without a Net’

[ Cover image courtesy of . ]

From Amazon: Imagine a future without cyberspace or without the Web or virtual reality. What would happen in an alternate Information Age? What would you do? What would you fear? What wouldn’t you know? Today’s top masters of speculative fiction… READ MORE